Andrew Krymkevich Andrew Krymkevich

Was Goliath Sickly?

Malcolm even states that “there’s this whole weird thing about how long it takes Goliath to react to the sight of David. So David’s coming down the mountain, and he’s clearly not preparing for hand-to-hand combat…..He’s not even carrying a sword. Why does Goliath not react to that? It’s as if he’s oblivious to what’s going on that day.” This is how Malcolm sets Goliath up to be anything but the actual fierce warrior that the Bible describes him to be. It is this sort of an explanation that can change a story, not by carefully searching into the details provided, but rather from new opinions colorfully added in.

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Andrew Krymkevich Andrew Krymkevich

Must We Speak in Tongues?

A believer could easily reach a level of depression due to feeling abandoned by God, seeing everyone else at the altar of the church “speaking in tongues”, and feeling shame at not having attained unto the gift due to apparent unfaithfulness.  That’s the most common trend that I have noticed, the sorrow that comes with the absence of this popular gift.

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Andrew Krymkevich Andrew Krymkevich

You Are NOT David!

With pride as the root of all sin, it seems reasonable that the enemy will puff up our hearts even when using Scripture as a weapon against God’s truth and against our well-being (Matthew 4:8-10). That is why hearing “The Bible isn’t about you!” is not an easily received truth, while it is thoroughly true…

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Andrew Krymkevich Andrew Krymkevich


…why are we listening to the world as if they will help us to honor God better when they won’t even repent of their own sin against Him? It is the ungodly world that refuses to conform to Christ and His Word, isn’t it?

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