With biblical illiteracy as a constant denominator permeating the culture, we discuss the common false views concerning Christianity and strive to carefully discredit such unbiblical opinions using Scripture as the infallible, sufficient, and God-given foundation of all faith and life.

Our aim is to clarify the simple MILK and complex MEAT of Scripture while identifying and dismantling erroneous and heretical teachings concerning His Word.

We strive at accomplishing this in an expository manner through posts, articles, and recorded video/audio podcasts.

Sola Gratia - Sola Fide - Solus Christus - Sola Scriptura - Soli Deo Gloria


Andrew came to faith in Christ after a life of addiction, depression, and larceny…

..and after hearing and investigating the Gospel for the first time, he experienced a radical, objectively verifiable, and Holy Spirit-wrought transformation of heart and mind - as promised by Scripture.

Since coming to a saving faith in Christ, Andrew has noticed a large percentage of confessing Christians that have no more biblical evidence of their salvation other than a memory of religious ceremony and high hopes of personal righteousness.

Out of this concerning realization, Andrew has grown in his zeal for the edifying of the Body of Christ. Therefore, his desire is to engage in dialogue with confessing Christians in order to discover the validity, or lack thereof, of their claims to saving faith, all for the purpose of remedying any false assurance with a correct application of the Law and Gospel to their conscience so that they might be truly saved.